Retro Newbie
I've been updated that we should have plenty of space for displaying bikes. The main area we plan to show the bikes is indoors in conference room space above the Beics Brenin bike shop. Its the area that is used for sign on and event HQ but also opens out onto the balcony adjacent to the cafe so people can wander across easily. The area will be staffed the whole time it is open, we also have quite a few cable locks short and long on site that can be used to lock bikes. Weather permitting it might be good to display a few bikes outside somewhere but we'll make sure it would be in an staffed/attended area. There will be secure storage available overnight if needed or you can collect your bike Saturday after the FTR race.
The plan is to set the bike display up around the time we open sign on (8am Saturday) and keep it open during the day on Saturday while sign on is open.
The space will revert to being the cinema for the film screenings from 4.30pm, we considered just moving the display bikes back out of the way but I think it might be safer to move them to another secure area before the films start as the 2nd film screening runs straight into the Q&A session and then the party. It's probably best that we either secure bikes or return them to their owners after the FTR race and before the film screening at 4.30.
Another bit of good news is that event supporters Muc-Off have offered to kindly donate a show bike prize
We still have slots for more show bikes with free race entries to the Fat Tyre Revolution event for anyone kind enough to bring a bike to display. If you are wavering, come along, its going to be a great weekend. Let me know if you can bring a bike to show, I can be reached on mail @ dyfievents.com
The plan is to set the bike display up around the time we open sign on (8am Saturday) and keep it open during the day on Saturday while sign on is open.
The space will revert to being the cinema for the film screenings from 4.30pm, we considered just moving the display bikes back out of the way but I think it might be safer to move them to another secure area before the films start as the 2nd film screening runs straight into the Q&A session and then the party. It's probably best that we either secure bikes or return them to their owners after the FTR race and before the film screening at 4.30.
Another bit of good news is that event supporters Muc-Off have offered to kindly donate a show bike prize

We still have slots for more show bikes with free race entries to the Fat Tyre Revolution event for anyone kind enough to bring a bike to display. If you are wavering, come along, its going to be a great weekend. Let me know if you can bring a bike to show, I can be reached on mail @ dyfievents.com