After chatting to Jeroen from the mtbmuseum last night he has inspired me to rebuild this bike into a ridiculously lightweight one like his haha! This means it won’t be a replica of my dads bike anymore but I will keep the parts just incase I want to swap them all over again which is no biggy!
I think I’ll keep my dads original extralite stem on the bike as I don’t think I’ll find one lighter, I was looking online last night after talking to Jeroen and I found some v brake levers that were 23g each

, not too pricey either at £90 a pair, if you was to purchase the actual v brakes themselves I think that was around £300+ so I don’t think sticking with the XTR’s that are already on it would be a bad thing. But at the same time I’ll be attempting to make it as light as possible so I probably will change the v brakes too.
I know v brakes won’t make a massive difference but that will be the start of a long and pricey rebuild, I don’t even think I’ll have it finished for Christmas and I certainly won’t have it finished for the summer….maybe if I win the lottery?
Thought I’d add some photos of Jeroen’s bike so you can get an idea of why I’m doing it. Jeroen has customise his rear dropouts to sliding ones for other reasons but I will NOT be doing that as I like to keep the main things original, I don’t think my one will be as light as Jeroen’s (at 7.9kg!) but I can give it a good go!