1999 Fat Chance Yo Eddy M/L XTR, Ringle, Hope

Oh, the age-old 'profiteering' argument.

If the OP bought this bike for £630 (less than what it's worth), and is selling it for £1350 (probably closer to what it's worth), then I really don't see the problem.

It's not his fault that he got a great deal and if he wants to sell it on to make a quick buck and someone is willing to buy it, then good luck to you fella. There's nothing in the rules which states that you have to sell it for no more than you bought it for, so long as you're asking a fair price ;)

If I've completely misunderstood peoples comments, then I apologise in advance :oops:
Dunno that it is worth what he's asking, TBH ( The forum rules seem to have been suspended awhile so I'll add my tuppence worth).
Those dents must detract from the value quite substantially, whether or not they compromise the frame's integrity.

Why shouldn't the seller ask what he thinks it's worth?
He seems to have got a bargain. Good luck to him if he wants to sell it for more.
The rules are far from suspended. We simply ask users keep commentary on pricing to a minimum. However in this case I have no issue with users flagging up the original selling price of the bike. I am assuming jivehoneyjive is neither Scant nor the seller on STW going from location and of course username.

Of course there is one thing all have over looked. The seller has added a

jivehoneyjive":3v82k62v said:
Specialized Body Geometry Saddle

I've not checked the going rate recently, perhaps £720 is fair?

Suspect i'll be locking this thread soon.

Suggest the seller a) revise their selling price or b) offer it up on a service like eBay.
Well, after some time considering, missus permitting, I think I'll make the most of my bargain and hold onto it, maybe even pop some contemporary tyres on there for the full dreams of yesteryear effect.

I might even dig out some of my old skool mags and lust over off road toads, mantis' and something to do with a pony with funky stays.
jivehoneyjive":nigm7dl0 said:
..I think I'll make the most of my bargain and hold onto it..

I might even dig out some of my old skool mags and lust over off road toads, mantis' and something to do with a pony with funky stays.

Great plan :cool:

That frame deserves a full ReBuild, here's some inspiration from the Dudes on here:

Woody's Chameleon Yo

AndrewL's Chameleon Yo

StarTREK's Chameleon Billy

EdEdward's Chameleon Yo

Good luck and Welcome to RetroBike :cool:
jivehoneyjive":4wjiar59 said:
Well, after some time considering, missus permitting, I think I'll make the most of my bargain and hold onto it, maybe even pop some contemporary tyres on there for the full dreams of yesteryear effect.

I might even dig out some of my old skool mags and lust over off road toads, mantis' and something to do with a pony with funky stays.

welcome to the site! haha its a friendly place really, i think this bike is cool and i look forward to a rebuild thread, or just some good pics of the bike out on the trail. much better than checking it out on ebay :p
John":1x80licn said:
I am assuming jivehoneyjive is neither Scant nor the seller on STW going from location and of course username.

sorry, only just seen this thread. obviously I did ask about this Yo when it appeared on STW, but didnt hear a word back from the seller.

those dents might detract from its appearance, but they're purely cosmetic.