I bought this bike new in 1997. In 2004 she was replaced as my main mtb and converted to ss, then in 2006 I stripped the BB threads swapping the bottom bracket.
Anyway, my friend pondlife had a park bb tap, so I put it to good use and chased the bb. All was good and I rebuilt her with a mixture of components, on a tight budget so used lots of spares bin stuff. Which is where the 2004 fox forks came from.
so spec is:
1997 klein attitude comp frame
2004 fox vanilla rl set at 80mm
x517 on hope xc's
deore drivetrain and brakes
record c9 chain.
salsa moto-ace bars
raceface stem
sdg bel-air recovered in denim.
original thomson post.
attitude by Evil Goat, on Flickr
Hettie approves by Evil Goat, on Flickr
Anyway, my friend pondlife had a park bb tap, so I put it to good use and chased the bb. All was good and I rebuilt her with a mixture of components, on a tight budget so used lots of spares bin stuff. Which is where the 2004 fox forks came from.
so spec is:
1997 klein attitude comp frame
2004 fox vanilla rl set at 80mm
x517 on hope xc's
deore drivetrain and brakes
record c9 chain.
salsa moto-ace bars
raceface stem
sdg bel-air recovered in denim.
original thomson post.
attitude by Evil Goat, on Flickr
Hettie approves by Evil Goat, on Flickr