I would love a number please mate, be ideal for a build for the wife. Get her to join me out on a ride

Top karma
Absolutely primo idea. I won't take a number because none of the bikes I've got already are anywhere near finished and to get another one would only lead to bankruptcy!

I hope you get enough karma to last you and yours many lifetimes.

this is awesome!

not eligible for this, nor do i want a number. but thought i'd give you props on doing such a generous giveaway in a fair manner to the community!
wow! :shock: that is karma right there! :D

My latest project should be finished by the end of this month, so I'll need something to spend my time and money on for the next 6 months :LOL:

Please give me a lucky number, King Karma ;)
Can't resist the urge.

I'll take a number please. :D

This is great idea. So is £1 a number - you could donate the money to charity.
Nice one. I could pick it up to in 20 mins BUT it's too small, so I'm out of the karma-tastic give away. Good luck to whoever wins it and we expect updates of the build :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: