Jeez Barn, Sorry it came to this Bud.

Well, My LTS is in a shocking state, the more I strip it, the more gouges/dinks/damage I find, so, as guilty as I feel about asking, can I have a number too?

Or... I can offer you storage for it until you have space for it?

My_Teenage_Self":35n4qhx6 said:
Jeez Barn, Sorry it came to this Bud.

Well, My LTS is in a shocking state....

So was this one. Bushes were absolutely shagged when I got it (1-2mm vertical play easily) so I had no choice but to remove them. Didn't say anything though because I was just glad to have one.

Want it to go now because it makes me sulk whenever I see it and realise that I was only a few spokes and a saddle away from having it built up before redundancy reared it's ugly head.
So as not to upset anyone i would totally understand if as a newbie i would be excluded from this amazing offer..either way she's a beauty and would look great next to my 95 gt lts team!!!!
Nobody is excluded.

And regarding my last post - I should say that the frame is absolutely fine. The bushes WERE knackered but they've been removed and the frame is ready for more to go in.

Just in case I put anyone off ;)