1995 Roberts DOGS BOLX Team

@danson67 has done a beautiful job on the repair, he kindly took pics at each stage of the process...

Paint stripped
View attachment 852237
View attachment 852238

High points rolled out
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Cleaned for soldering
View attachment 852240

Silver solder applied
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Filed back and ready for painting
View attachment 852242

It's very reassuring to see the quality of Dan's work, any lingering doubts about structural integrity have been well and truly laid to rest, total peace of mind.

Next stop paint shop.
He's a magician! 😍 💪 :cool:
According to the previous owner, who bought the bike from the original owner, this is the actual bike that appeared in the catalogue...

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View attachment 839125
SN is 950206

I believe this means it's the 2nd frame built in June 1995, that would tie in nicely with the XT M737 group, Judy forks and the Chris King and Hope hubs. But anyone who knows more about Roberts numbering please feel free to correct me.

It's in pretty good shape overall, some scratches, chips and scrapes, but no dings or dents.

It's almost complete except for the stem, bars, grips and tyres.

It has MT62 Deore thumbies, it's impossible to tell from the catalogue pics what was fitted except that there were definitely no brifters, MT62 it seems like an odd choice in 1995 but they work fine, so maybe that's the point.
based on my Roberts frame number and when I got it, your frame number should be read as Yr 95, Mth 02 and sixth one registered that month.
based on my Roberts frame number and when I got it, your frame number should be read as Yr 95, Mth 02 and sixth one registered that month.
Cheers, someone else said this in a pm.

Good to confirm the month of manufacture as Feb 95, makes it a few months older than I originally thought :)
Check the upper reinforcement sleeve on the seat tube. If the rear has a scollop cut into it creating two points then the frame was built by Winston Vaz. It was a unique signature he built into all his frames.
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Check the upper reinforcement sleeve on the seat tube. If the rear has a scollop cut into it creating two points then the frame was built by Winston Vaz. It was a unique signature he built into all his frames.
View attachment 857799
Hi - where do you get that metal tube with the rubber ring that goes over the brake cable? Does it protect the paint?
Hi - where do you get that metal tube with the rubber ring that goes over the brake cable? Does it protect the paint?
That is an original Middleburn cable oiler. I bought a full set in 1994 to add to every cable on my Roberts Dogs Bolx I was building. I still have it. You pull back the rubber ring to inject lube into the cables. They make cable maintenance so easy. I placed that one there to protect the frame. Good news is, you can still buy them!

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