1995 Proflex Animal - Rebirth in progress

ooooh does he have any NR1's in stock would you know? lash us his phone number if you have it I'll take a stroll down there after work this week since I work in Toorak.
skinnyboy - I messaged you the other day about the ProFlex top :waves:

Glad somebody else noticed your Mugen Prelude. Great cars with a gem of an engine, but then I'm biased, as I've had this for about 8 years:


Small world eh.
Get over to the Prelude UK forum if you have a mo, they would love your car there, pretty much anything Mugen is shrine worthy in their eyes.

Sorry mods, back OT :oops: - Love the end result of the ProFlex, looking really good. :D
i shoved them in for a bit of bling, but have changed them out for Hi tensile Stainless ones now. Didn't trust them after I snapped one i put in the forks!!

I recently scored a Risse front shock so going to try that out when I get my new Risse shock for the back ordered.

BTW, lovely 'Lude Benny lad, mines recently been off the road with a dodgy starter motor, changed that out in 10 minutes tonight and shes good to go!