A few final changes to this. I picked up a (relatively cheap) xtr chainset which arrived today. So it's now sporting a full xtr groupset, including hubs.
I'm not sure what else I could do it this to, bar finding 1" ahead stem, but I rather like the control tech one. I've got an ahead steerer for the Judy's so they will just drop in whenever I want front suspension.
Luckily a 109.5mm 105 octalink v1 bottom bracket is a good fit for a bontrager, so the cranks fit with the cheap BB I picked up off eBay, and I should be able to get some spares in as well.
However, my favourite touch is the matching wtb logos on the grips and bar ends.
If i'd known how difficult it is to get octalink v1 bottom brackets and that the xtr ones are a weird length compared to what's still available I don't think I'd have bothered. Probably would have tried down some middleburn square taper cranks instead.
But it does look cool and finish the bike off nicely.
I now need another bonty frame on which I can use all the nice m737 stuff I've got. Shouldn't have sold the racelite.
Nearly a year since I updated this thread, and the bike has mainly been languishing on the turbo trainer. I had a bit of a rethink about the amount of cash I've sunk into bike bits that don't get used. All the M950 stuff has been offloaded and the Chris King headset sold off.
I don't feel too bad about that, the M950 brakes were being used on my commuter and I was starting to get guilty about putting such expensive parts on a bike that doesn't get much love. In the end I replaced them with an avid brakeset for £14 off ebay. Guilt assuaged.
I also sold the exotic carbon forks, but had a bit of trauma with them - the buyer rejected them after three weeks because they were scratched (which they absolutely weren't when I sold them). I've had them back , ebay refunded the buyer, but also re-imbursed me, so I've ended up getting paid and with some forks that are in less good condition than when I sold them. That's a win right?
Anyway, as a result the Bonty has gone back to period spec - M737 throughout (except for the hubs which are still M950) , smoke/darts and the lovely , lovely judys are back.
I might even ride this year, now I've put some titec riser bars back on too. (once I've sorted the gear cabling , which is too short with the new wider bars