I've had this bike for about 4 years. I bought the frame off eBay and it's slowly evolved into the bike you see in the pictures. It's never going to be catalog spec because I prefer rigid forks. I know that Tange Struts aren't held in particularly high regard, but they look good and ride well for me. I also like the aesthetics of the Altitude with black forks, stem and seatpost.
However, I've now got myself a dilemma. I bought some titanium forks last week for my Kona Hot, but they're too short at 395mm. They're ideal for this, except they're threadless. That means I need to change the stem. No problem, I have a nice Raceface ti stem. But I like to match the stem and seatpost. I have a Syncros ti post on the Kona that'd be perfect, but then I need to swap the ti stem on the Kona to match, or pony up for another ti seatpost. I'm starting to regret buying the forks because I'd finally decided this bike was finished. Ditto for the Hot.
Damn it! I might have to buy another frame to use these forks on...
However, I've now got myself a dilemma. I bought some titanium forks last week for my Kona Hot, but they're too short at 395mm. They're ideal for this, except they're threadless. That means I need to change the stem. No problem, I have a nice Raceface ti stem. But I like to match the stem and seatpost. I have a Syncros ti post on the Kona that'd be perfect, but then I need to swap the ti stem on the Kona to match, or pony up for another ti seatpost. I'm starting to regret buying the forks because I'd finally decided this bike was finished. Ditto for the Hot.
Damn it! I might have to buy another frame to use these forks on...