After a fair amount of frustration, swearing and bouncing up and down on a seatpost with my full weight,
I managed to release the bottom bracket from the frame!
I can see why it was a right PITA to get out now! :evil:
The plastic non-drive-side cup wasn't playing ball though, so I carefully cut a slot out of it using a hacksaw blade, making sure I didn't damage the threads in the frame,
The plastic is so ridiculously soft, it makes you wonder why Shimano thought it was the right material for the job!
So now it's out, and a big relief too!
Celebrated by offering up the stem and bars I'll be fitting. The headset is toast, so will be looking for a replacement for that
Not a bad colour match!
Also on the lookout for a 26.4 seatpost in silver
So, two weeks on, and the bike is built, and had it's first ride!
The LBS cleaned out the bb threads with this special set of tools, great buddies that they are!
Put a nice light Tange one back in, and bolted on some M560 cranks. Replacing the M550s, I had a bb in the right size for those, instead of the longer one needed for the 550s.
Stripped the hubs, the cones are slightly pitted, but I've smoothed them out as best I can, so will be ok for a few miles I think!
Found a Ritchey headset to stick in, although an older Deore 'big ball' jobbie would have been prefferable, but alas, I don't have the crown race for the one I have. Sodit! :roll:
After which, it was just a matter of bolting it all together
First ride pics now,
I know we had a shower on Tuesday, but I hadn't reckoned on how big it was.
Half way up the long drag, I realized I still had 50psi in the tyres, from the commute to work! :facepalm: Not that it was a bad thing, think how the tyres would have clogged up even worse had they been lower!
Straight after this shot , I rode through a couple of long puddles to clear the tyres. Deeper than I thought, I also cleaned the mud off my shoes with every revolution! :facepalm: Well. at least my feet wouldn't be too hot!
Let the tyres down to what I thought would be around 30psi - turned out to be under 20 when I checked after the ride! - before the long grassy downhill to Golding Barn in the background,
Plenty of comfort and grip! Know why now!
Before a long steepish drag up to the top of Steyning, now in the background
I like my hills!
At the top, onto my favourite techy, rooty single track, bike was handling lovely! Cool.
Brakes are great, gears working even better, after a small adjustment to the front mech. Why is it the granny ring is easy to get on the stand, but not when you're riding? Even not under load. Now sorted!
Then rolled along some wide , open trails, up a narrow bit of singletrack, taking a last ride photo before the long, tricky descent back to home!
Only thing I didn't like, was one of the grips slipping a bit. Being clear, I don't want to glue them. I fitted them on with WD40, maybe hair spray would be better :?
When I got home tonight, the inner tubes had arrived. Schrader valved ones that I needed to go with the bling covers I was generously sent by a Retrofriend on here.
I won't name names, in case he gets pleading requests, don't tell him your name Pike!
So, photos tonight.
Late in the evening, this bikes really is so loud in sunshine, it needs a volume control!
Now has a matching rear tyre, thanks to a fellow member Gears cleaned up nicely too. Cassette teeth were good so refitted, sadly the Sedis chain was toast.
Had to have some Britishness on the bike, proper retro rings, 24-34-46
The business end!
During the ride, there was this boulder that I couldn't avoid heard the clunk as it hit something, thought it was the bb shell. When I cleaned the bike, I noticed it was the nice shiny crank :facepalm:
The finished bike
A bit tidier than the start I think, and a whole 3/4 kilo lighter, at 11 3/4kg
Plan is to ride it at Mayhem, so new frame stickers will have to wait. The originals are partly peeling and partly missing.
Is it a rider for Mayhem or staying in the stable?
Had exactly the same problem and fix for a stuck BB, not being as ballsey as you, I only used a junior hacksaw blade and was glad when it gave up and circummed to surgery.
That's the plan Nick. Cruising around the first lap with Longun and his Diablo DX!
In period retro jerseys!
Also bringing Endo, other two bikes undecided at moment.
Sunn - hardtail, steel, lowish, but can ride for hours
Fisher Kaitai - alloy ( stiff back end ) higher at front than Sunn
Scott Team Racing - comfy, brakes not as good as some. Rigid
Fisher SuperCal 29 - alloy, hardtail, can get away with bad lines when fatigued/in the dark. Cumbersome when fatigued though