Bike looks good! Funny thing is I recently set up a '91 cro-mega as an SS as well. You mentioned the chain skipping at the ring, afraid I've got the same issue.. Have you managed to alleviate it?
Bike looks good! Funny thing is I recently set up a '91 cro-mega as an SS as well. You mentioned the chain skipping at the ring, afraid I've got the same issue.. Have you managed to alleviate it?
Removed a few more links from the chain and tinkered with the chainline a bit more.. Still not perfect, but much better atm with the large gear I'm running (not any serious climbing). But the tensioner I've got is prob not the greatest made...
A DH-type a la Sinnett's SS is better I guess. My 85 kg + standing and pushing the power down probably moves the BB
A guy on flickr thought I should try Phantom/ghost tensioner...