1992 Alpinestars Cro-Mega. Now re-painted and nearly built.

Good effort.

Don’t bother with Alpinestars Mega Lite bars - they’re not light and they won’t fit into the Flexstem clamp anyway. I always thought Cro-Megas has a 29.4Ø seatpost. Are you sure it’s a 30.0Ø?

Retro Spud":ftfvb49n said:
Great work, brave move on the glitter

What’s the elastomer like in your flexstem, I’ve got new spares if you get stuck,

Admittedly I’ve only got firm black and soft violet (no red ones)

Thank you. It is quite firm but not solid and the elastomer hasn't perished or cracked so I'll leave it as is for the time being.

enc":ftfvb49n said:
Nice work there particularly on the decals .. they must have been a nightmare to fit !

To be fair they are a really good quality vinyl and come pre-cut with a backing paper attached which makes it easy.

kalex":ftfvb49n said:
You definitely nailed the paint job and with the decals applied it really topped it off.

I'd be interested to hear what you did for your paint booth and how did the decals sit on the painted parts that had glitter on them.

Paint booth was just a sheet hung up in the garage with a heater blowing into the middle.
The glitter is incredibly fine and doesn't sit noticeably proud of the surface. All areas covered in a decal were checked and smoothed with 600 grit if required but the vinyl decals are quite soft (a positive) and moulded around all the contours without issue.

racer x":ftfvb49n said:
Looks so good. Would you do another if you had the chance :lol:

Certainly!! Having been surprised at how nicely this one rode and equally surprised at how cheap they are compared to many early '90s bikes I don't think I could resist. Being 1 1/4" up front also begs for a hardtail build with the odd Manitou and Pace fork springing up for sale now and then in the less popular size.

regan_ev":ftfvb49n said:
Good effort.

Don’t bother with Alpinestars Mega Lite bars - they’re not light and they won’t fit into the Flexstem clamp anyway. I always thought Cro-Megas has a 29.4Ø seatpost. Are you sure it’s a 30.0Ø?


Thank you, I wasn't aware that either weren't standard sized. The bar I have is an unbranded black steel thing with some rusty bits. I need new bars and the Megalite would have been another piece in the puzzle rather than much of an upgrade. If they won't fit then that makes life easier!!
Post is definitely 30.0mm as stamped on it and verified with a vernier (~29.95mm) but I agree it is strange.

stocko":ftfvb49n said:
Very nice build..ive also got 2 dx band on front mechs going spare

Cheers. I may be in touch when I have money again!!
The Bear":1n2l9ed0 said:
Post is definitely 30.0mm as stamped on it and verified with a vernier (~29.95mm) but I agree it is strange.
It’s not the original post though.
Just checked and it should use a 29.4mm Ø. Maybe that’s why yours had a crack in the seattube?
regan_ev":8dzbeqg8 said:
The Bear":8dzbeqg8 said:
Post is definitely 30.0mm as stamped on it and verified with a vernier (~29.95mm) but I agree it is strange.
It’s not the original post though.
Just checked and it should use a 29.4mm Ø. Maybe that’s why yours had a crack in the seattube?

Christ.... not surprised the frame split a little if that’s correct and Regan should know, he’s seen enough of them

I’ve seen 27.2 in a 27.0mm frame but even that was as tight as fat lass in a cocktail dress a size to small, but that’s only out by 0.2mm yours is three times that :shock:
regan_ev":2cum54wd said:
The Bear":2cum54wd said:
Post is definitely 30.0mm as stamped on it and verified with a vernier (~29.95mm) but I agree it is strange.
It’s not the original post though.
Just checked and it should use a 29.4mm Ø. Maybe that’s why yours had a crack in the seattube?

Quite possible and it could have been reamed although I cannot see s step at the bottom. The post does go right down to the kink though and steel isn't that stretchy!