1992 Alpinestars Al-Mega DX #ProjectMiniAlMega

Neon yellow brake lever covers and replacement neon pink Tioga Hot Tip toeclip ends arrived from 'racer x' today. Pink Avocet wired up thanks to 'vinevo' but still needs battery and the crucial wheel sensor (click for wanted ad!).

Purple ano still in the post but the lady friend and I took the Al Megas out for a spin up the local nature reserve this evening. Pleased to report the mini Al Mega rode flawlessly 8)

Awe don't they look cute :lol: but seriously though your Al Mega is really looking the part and will look top notch when you've got the purple ano fitted which i'm pretty eager to see and glad to see your ride out was a good un as their is nothing more satisfying after all the time and effort put into a build ..

Nice one!

I would use the other battered frame for a 1x7 urban bike (since front mech hanger is broken). The scratched frame will hopefully make it less attractive to thieves, and what a luxury would be to have the same geometry in the urban and mtb bike....
Re: Re:

Titiritero":236w5h7o said:
Nice one!

I would use the other battered frame for a 1x7 urban bike (since front mech hanger is broken). The scratched frame will hopefully make it less attractive to thieves, and what a luxury would be to have the same geometry in the urban and mtb bike....
It's an idea I've thought about and you're right, it would be unattractive and nice to have but its too small for me. My XT, XTR and 91 DX are all 17.5"/53cm, the 92 DX in this build is a 15"/48cm and its for my lady friend ;)
Besides, I'm not building her another one haha! (Although I do have all the parts to rebuild it if I wanted to :P)

Thanks for the comments :D