1991 Trek 8900 - Florescent resto happiness (almost NOS)

Bottom bracket & headset were soaked for 24hrs to remove the clay like grease that had gone hard. Again all in good order for the age & use.

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Onto the wheels, these are photos having fully removed the bearings, serviced and reassembled putting on the Gen 1 Smoke/Dart tyres I had in stock. I've been building wheels for 30yrs and naturally went over them, to check running true and tensioned right. In great condition. I was slightly tempted to buy new DT spokes and replace them with shinny nipples. Then realised = NO. not needed, but the nipples and spokes have dulled with age.

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Last bit to do was to give the frame a nice clean and simple polish. Check it over = putting a tiny camera inside the lugs / tubes where possible to check for cracks. All fine! phew! The paint work is amazing for the age & the colours are still vibrant & perfect. There is a tiny bit of rub on the top tube where the carbon lacquer has been peeling = where the foam grips have rotated and touched it. Trek Servicing (36).webp Trek Servicing (39).webp

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After all that effort + TIME TO REBUILD IT (love this part and always do it slowly, with multiple coffees and loud tunes playing)

And this is how it looks as of 10th April 2022... Hope you like it.