Thought I'd upgrade my city/commuter bike from Fire Mountain to Explosif, hence mint condition not a priority, just as well as this 1991 Explosif has faded from the original purple to... Blue!! :shock:
First thought was to get it powder coated, probably in black, and use it without decals, but after some furious rubbing (with autosol & T-Cut) I'm thinking the paint isn't really so bad, for a commute bike, if you ignore the faded areas.
As such I'll just transfer over the majority of the parts from the Fire Mountain (1994), so neither particularly period correct, or Explosif worthy really, but gets it rideable for now. Longer term I may go down the restore/period correct route.
What I did notice, was that the Tange Prestige Concept tubing is pretty funky looking!
And it's obviously had some Mint Sauce stickers on it in the past, they're long gone. But have left their indelible outline on the frame
First thought was to get it powder coated, probably in black, and use it without decals, but after some furious rubbing (with autosol & T-Cut) I'm thinking the paint isn't really so bad, for a commute bike, if you ignore the faded areas.
As such I'll just transfer over the majority of the parts from the Fire Mountain (1994), so neither particularly period correct, or Explosif worthy really, but gets it rideable for now. Longer term I may go down the restore/period correct route.
What I did notice, was that the Tange Prestige Concept tubing is pretty funky looking!
And it's obviously had some Mint Sauce stickers on it in the past, they're long gone. But have left their indelible outline on the frame