3 weeks since I finished it and I can't get enough of riding this bike
It has been a long time since I rode a bike with no suspension at all and I can't believe how responsive it is. All the components are working like new and the feel from the tyres is brilliant as the frame really pushes the power into the back wheel. Downside, it doesn't feel so good on extreme rocky descents and I have been getting some real batterings. But on hardpack trails there is nothing better.
Build list:
Frame & fork - 1991 Alpinestars Cro-mega DX
Headset - Shimano XT
Stem - Orange Stalk cro-mo
Handlebar - Exotic alloy (painted)
Grips - Ritchey Truegrips
Brake lever/shifters - Shimano XT M739
Brakes - Shimano XT M737 V Brakes
Chainset - Shimano MT60 with 46,36,24 rings
Front mech - Shimano DX
Rear Mech - Shimano XT M737
Cassette - Shimano M737 8speed
Hubs - Shimano XT M737 parallax
Rims - Mavic X517
Spokes - ACI butted
Tyres - Panaracer Smoke/Dart 2.1 folding
Tubes - Schwalbe xtra lite
Seatpost - Kalloy Uno
Seat collar - Nukeproof
Saddle - Selle Italia Flite
Cables - Shimano XT/XTR
Decals - Gil_m