1990 Specialized Rock Hopper Resurrection

If it was mine I'd leave as is. Lovely patina! 😍 And with a proper clean and polish it will be perfectly imperfect! If you want to remove old stickers gently heat them up with a heat gun to aid removal to help them prevent pull the clear-coat off as well. I liked the stickers, but that'a a personal thing.

As always with bikes, as long as they're being enjoyed/ridden it doesn't really matter what you do it as that is a completely subjective. Some great pics of it in use so far! 💪:cool:👋
Thank you very much! Yes, I think you are right. I will only work on what is there. I love to see an old bike looking like new again but there is something about preserving the life of a bike.

In principle, the stickers were also part of it, but some of them were torn or faded to such an extent that they were no longer attractive. One of them was just a wrinkled white square...

Thanks for the tip about the heat gun. I don't have one but my gas burner had the same effect. I just had to be really really... really careful 🤣
Thank you very much! Yes, I think you are right. I will only work on what is there. I love to see an old bike looking like new again but there is something about preserving the life of a bike.

In principle, the stickers were also part of it, but some of them were torn or faded to such an extent that they were no longer attractive. One of them was just a wrinkled white square...

Thanks for the tip about the heat gun. I don't have one but my gas burner had the same effect. I just had to be really really... really careful 🤣
For me, once it has new paint it's lost its story/history and then you might treat it differently/not ride it like we use to ride bikes when we were young(er).

Gas burner??? that's asking for trouble! 🔥 🤣

A hairdryer should be hot enough if you don't have a heat gun...

Look forward to see what other adventures you and your bike get up to, even if it's a clean & polish session! 😜
Does anyone have any idea if these pedals can still be salvaged? The bearings have play or run rough. The pedal body is made of plastic and the metal frame seems to be riveted somehow and not screwed...
I would like to keep them and just replace or refurbish the bearings if it is possible. The rest of the parts are all in very good condition, apart from some rust and dirt.
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Does anyone have any idea if these pedals can still be salvaged? The bearings have play or run rough. The pedal body is made of plastic and the metal frame seems to be riveted somehow and not screwed...
I would like to keep them and just replace or refurbish the bearings if it is possible. The rest of the parts are all in very good condition, apart from some rust and dirt.
Standard cup and cone pedal mate.
For me, once it has new paint it's lost its story/history and then you might treat it differently/not ride it like we use to ride bikes when we were young(er).

Gas burner??? that's asking for trouble! 🔥 🤣

A hairdryer should be hot enough if you don't have a heat gun...

Look forward to see what other adventures you and your bike get up to, even if it's a clean & polish session! 😜
Yes, it was a bit of a problem...I had enjoyed a couple of beers that night and thought I'd do the stickers quickly.... When I started the burner I gave it too much gas and almost burnt off my face.... I panicked a little and almost set two old tyres on fire but then I just blew on the stickers with a small flame and they came off.
Okay, so now I just have to figure out how to get this little plastic cap off without destroying it....
A thin bladed screwdriver. Not sure if there is a detail on these dustcaps to allow such a thing to locate to minimise damage.

Also found this:

Always good to see what to do and also what not to do! :D