1990 Nishiki Alien ACX on eBay in Germany


I contacted seller and asked about cracks (thanks to Google Translate, as I don't speak German), and I included my composite photo of an ACX that I posted earlier in this thread.

Seller's response:
Vielen Dank für die Fotos!
Der Rahmen hat tatsächlich an der Schweißnaht unterhalb des Sattels einen feinen Riss.

Translation from Google Translate (for the uneducated, like me :oops: ):
Thank you very much for the pictures!
The frame actually has a fine crack at the weld below the saddle.

I messaged seller again indicating that they should include that info in the auction description, as well as a pic because
1- it might get returned, and
2- it's a safety issue.

Naturally, I asked them to consider me if they have trouble selling it, and that I would make them an offer (even though I live in USA). If I'm lucky enough to acquire it, I'll be taking it back to my Young Frankenstein laboratory and throwing it onto the pile of cracked ACX's, and eventually breathing new life into it. When I'm done with it, it won't look original (which is probably a good thing), but I'll get it back on two wheels!


  • Repair.webp
    85.9 KB · Views: 394

It looks like seller might be willing to work with me.

With that in mind, does anybody here live near Acht, Germany that can collect and ship to me :xmas-big-grin: if I buy it?

Naturally I'd be happy to return the favor anytime if you need bike stuff from USA.

Thanks very much in advance.
Re: '93 Nishiki Alien in North Carolina

I've looked for cracks with lights and magnification four times now, after bringing my Alien back from beach house exile. I can't find any anywhere which surprised me since it has plenty of wear from sliding around pickup truck beds and gawd knows what from previous owners.

It's due for an overhaul as salt air has gotten to anything ferrous, and has an odd pair of shifters (sram grip shift for rear and a thumbjob for the front) but otherwise is original. Has one of those vintage rock rings as well. Will need new cables and other neglected wear items.

I am planning on selling it for something with suspension for my aging bones.

Putting it here as it should go to a collector or general fan for some TLC after 5 years at the beach. I will take pictures of the vulnerable areas and put them on dropbox in the next week or so.

I just signed up here, PM or direct email if you know of anyone interested. I paid $250 in 2012. Shipping a bike sounds like a PITA but not complete fiction. Oh, it's 22" between seat tube centerline and the handlebar stem tube c/l. I'm 5'10" w/ 31" trouser inseam and 33" sleeve length in dress shirts.

Pic here:

More pics are on a shared google drive, ask for a link.

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