the colour for the forks shouldn't present a problem.
I quite often got asked to paint motorbike wheels
in fluorescent colours, or just add fluro to paint work I was doing on bikes.
You buy fluoro basecoat form your paint shop, I think Metalflake sold a neon additive which might be quite interesting.
It just so happens I have someones project here to fit rear
suspension, I painted the wheels on his gsxr[which he is using on it]
orange in 1992. The wheels have faded very little on the side showing, the other side is faded a hell of a lot. But all fluoro fades as far as I know.
Love to see some close up pics of the 'zolatone' when it's done.
I didn't think your bike looked to bad, I would have been riding round Leith Hill on it if it was mine;-)
On the frame size quest, I am taller than you and like 17.5" marin
frames, they feel about the right size. I have a 19 and it feels a bit
of a gate?