1990 Brodie Romax (finished page 4)

The bar is lovely, but I am stunned by the bar ends. There can't be to many of those laying around. The splat is magnificent as well.
Thanks! The bar was on my list from the beginning as I have another far more worn example that I quite like. I got lucky as a friend tipped me off to them sitting on a bike for sale at a community bike ship that was happy to exchange the bars for a shop donation. A total win win…

I’m not positive but think the bar ends were a non-local production but still jazzed nonetheless. I was debating these or a nice set of quill Syncros bar ends but think I’ll go with the Lovehandles.
really nice frameset.
i think its lost a little bit of the classic look with all the black parts. I think it would do great with a silver/ black (maybe Biopace) Crankset and silver brakes...only my two cents.
but nice work anyway.
all the best
Thank you, Kay. I appreciate your feedback. The lack of contrast has been erking me a little bit to be honest. I’ll have to dig around my boxes for a set of silver rings, although I’ll probably try a circular set as Biopace have never been the right feel for me. Thanks!
Nice, got to love a splatter paint job :cool:

Though i do like a blacked out bike, i agree with Kay about the silver components suiting the frame/fork better.

I was definitely going for blacked out but might try a little contrast and see if any sparks fly 😅
That's a super bike, love the paint, and the condition is top flite. But don't let Paul see you festoon this thing with Syncros bits.....

Top notch stuff here, and in that size I'm very, very jealous.

Not to mention those Brodie bars!

I, too, really like how it came originally, with all the silver kit. But I can appreciate a Johnny Cash build as much as the next country music fan.

So I'm not made at the directions you've taken either.

Plus, it's easy enough to go back if you ever change your mind or fancy a change.

More photos tho! We need more photos!
That's a super bike, love the paint, and the condition is top flite. But don't let Paul see you festoon this thing with Syncros bits.....
Thanks! The condition is pretty unreal and it is a really fun ride. Couldn’t pass it up.

Haha, I’ve heard of the folklore… I will probably continue my efforts to veer clear but do like the shape of their bar ends 😅

Top notch stuff here, and in that size I'm very, very jealous.

Not to mention those Brodie bars!

I, too, really like how it came originally, with all the silver kit. But I can appreciate a Johnny Cash build as much as the next country music fan.

So I'm not made at the directions you've taken either.

Plus, it's easy enough to go back if you ever change your mind or fancy a change.

More photos tho! We need more photos!
Thank you, when it came up and it was in my size, I found it impossible to not jump on the sale. I got lucky.

Haha, Johnny Cash build reference is awesome. I’ll remember this in future. We’ll see, I’ve dug around for some silver bits yesterday and will do another round of swapping soon enough. Ive got a coupon fun ideas.

Hahah, I will certainly take some more detailed photos once it’s reached the finish line. Very excited to be near completion.

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