Aye that's where i nicked the photo fromOne of my old ones there Chris. They didn't all have that decal though

Learn something new everyday

Aye that's where i nicked the photo fromOne of my old ones there Chris. They didn't all have that decal though
For me that would be the one to have, it makes it extra special in my eyes.
love the colours
As the new owner, I feel its only fair to mention I'm an expat BritIf only it was in the UKI don't know how many times when Googling Kona Explosif that bike pops up and thought i'd love that because it's one of the custom paint ones.
Not really fussed about the parts all i'd want is the frame and forks so you could do your own custom build.
Well, it’s in Great shape , full XT. Wolber AT18 rims , nice extra is the Titanium O Beam seatpost. LOVE the Painted Track2 fork . I MIGHT put some Syncros TI flat bars on it and Bar ends - but that’ll be it prollyCool! Build thread pls - we need to see more of this special Kona !