Iconic is not a word i would use either, the higher end early ones like this were made by those responsible for Saracen Bitd.
The build and assembly straight out of the box was excellent. it was backed up with some quite well thought out early adverts too, so much so Halfords (or the Boots group as it was then). Sold more of these Nationally than any Comparable Raleigh, (price point for price point). (FACT). Although it wasn't hard given how difficult a time Raleigh were having at the time, especially with the direction and image challenges in an ever increasing market place.
The build and assembly straight out of the box was excellent. it was backed up with some quite well thought out early adverts too, so much so Halfords (or the Boots group as it was then). Sold more of these Nationally than any Comparable Raleigh, (price point for price point). (FACT). Although it wasn't hard given how difficult a time Raleigh were having at the time, especially with the direction and image challenges in an ever increasing market place.