1988 Orange Prestige in great condition considering its age


For the bars every early Orange I have owned, including my original 89 had no name steel bars. As long as the colour matches the stem you can use what you want!

Nice buy - sounds like you really wanted it - so that makes the price secondary.
For the bars, if you have white stalk stem, I have a set of NOS white ITM bars with a similar bend to the original early Orange ones (it's a more pronounced bend than the later bars, e.g. maybe 5 degree not 3 degree though I've no doubt got the numbers wrong).
I've since got an original set from Orange to re-finish so the ITM are surplus to requirements...
ITM bars would be £20, plus post if you fancy... They're not the lightest, but will look the part.
Hi thanks brocklanders, thanks mat, are the bars plain, with no logos? Your quite right regarding the early bars are more pronounced, I have a 89 clockie with original white bars.. if there plain I will take them, let us know... :) cheers
So today the frame, fork and other associated bits arrived at its new home with Calum. I am so happy that this bike has caused so much interest and excitement here. It genuinely means a lot that my father's bike will give someone else so much joy. I'm not a sentimental person so hanging onto something just because it belonged to my dad isn't something I felt I needed to do. But I am a passionate person and I love riding bikes and always have done. It was my dad who instilled that passion in me so to know that someone else will share that passion with his old bike is important to me.

I can't wait to see it built up and posted here.
A real pleasure to buy this bike :). Will hopefully get a build thread up fairly quickly and have it completed in the next 3 to 4 weeks. Have got some ritchey mega bite tyres (Amber walls) to put on, or may put a set of original Specializes ground controls (Amber walls). Have put my white stalk stem on & shimano DX seatpost and roll saddle, looks sweet, just awaiting some plain white bars which I've got off mat on here. Anyway will put up a build thread shortly. Thanks :) again Greg.
