24pouces BoTM Triple Crown BoTM Winner rBotM Winner PoTM Winner Jan 28, 2012 #11 I would be interested by the grey ODI grips…
longfinkillie Dirt Disciple Jan 28, 2012 #12 I've been looking for those grips to finish my Sig. But I can't break up what will be a perfect build of my all time favorite bike. I'll just continue to circle around like the rest of us...
I've been looking for those grips to finish my Sig. But I can't break up what will be a perfect build of my all time favorite bike. I'll just continue to circle around like the rest of us...
mfh126 Gold Trader Feedback View Jan 31, 2012 #13 Lots of interest in the grips. I'll consider a package deal for the frameset and combination of parts if anyone wants to negotiate.
Lots of interest in the grips. I'll consider a package deal for the frameset and combination of parts if anyone wants to negotiate.
Coleman Retrobike Rider BoTM Winner Feedback View Feb 5, 2012 #15 50,00th in line for the grips if you split !
mfh126 Gold Trader Feedback View Feb 7, 2012 #16 Prices reduced and added lots more pics of the wheels.
Silverfish Gold Trader Yeti Fan Feedback View Feb 7, 2012 #17 Those wheels would have been perfect for my Yeti FRO build - and saved me an awful lot of effort in finding the Rando M5's. Have a free bump
Those wheels would have been perfect for my Yeti FRO build - and saved me an awful lot of effort in finding the Rando M5's. Have a free bump