Just joined to say - great thread! Brought back so many memories. I am a proud owner of a Harv Cameron (non-suspension). I picked it up at Cycle Logic in '92 or thereabouts, though I think it had been in the store for a while at that point. I haven't ridden much in recent years, but it's the only bike I'm ridden since the early nineties. Still in great shape though, and still love it.
At one point about 10-15 years back, my bottom bracket broke, and I was having a hell of a time finding a replacement. Cycle logic was long gone, and it seemed to be a custom part. Can't recall what was unique - maybe that it was combined with the cassette? (I am shamefully ignorant technically here, especially given that I'm a mechanical engineer).
On a whim, I took to the phone book (or maybe canada411.com at the time) and managed to track down Harv Cameron. I called him and explained my predicament. He said he should have some spares in his shop, and invited me to come and see. I went over with a buddy, and had a great chat with him. He showed us his hobby of the moment - making little trebuchets in his shop (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trebuchet). Any way, he had the part, and I think he even installed it for me. Hell of a nice and interesting guy. Sorry to hear of his passing.
Happy to post pics. I'm in Whitby now, but back in Toronto all the time. In fact, my mom is selling the house I grew up in (Yonge & Lawrence) as I type - accepting offers tonight.
Happy to post pics. I'm in Whitby now, but back in Toronto all the time. In fact, my mom is selling the house I grew up in (Yonge & Lawrence) as I type - accepting offers tonight.
Totally done now. It did really well apart from some squealing from the new brake pads and rims, and a loose headset near the end of the ride. A few little adjustments and some tightening here and there and it's back to regular use.
I'll do a nice photo shoot of it later. For now, just some ride shots.