1987 Cameron Rebuild & Wiki - A Wee Face Lift


Great stuff guys. I gotta get one of those FS Camerons one day.

Not as wild and not cycle logic but ...

Hey Neo, I wish he was still around to make one of these with the current modern geo. Also you will notice on my V2 frame the upper shock mount plate is longer to fit a rockshock shock instead of a noleen, I will have to measure the length and stroke and see if there is any current shocks that might fit it.
I think this is the frame that was in the MBA Action


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This one my 4bar V1 frames


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This one is one of the last 4Bar V2 he made. It was for a friend of mine.


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Another nostalgic shot. Cy on a Proflex leading Ribs on a Harv 4Bar down the rattlesnake point steep downhill.


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Hey Neo,

Good to see that you still have that well beaten machine. You always seemed to be one of the better guys to test the limits on these new frames.
Thought I would add this tidbit. Later on in the evolution, we were looking at the idea of how to get more of these produced as Harv understandably put so many hours into each and the demand was greater than his output by a fair bit. So one morning me and Dan Wan headed west with a list of four fabrication shops that did aluminum. The idea was that Harv could miter the tubes and an outside shop to do the welding. The first three places looked at this proposition and it was beyond what they thought they could pull off. The fourth guy was much more confident but still had hesitations about whether he could produce as well as the example. Turned out he had a reason to be a little more ambitious having done work on the Canadarm. We were considering a name to come up with instead of Cameron and a recent trip to the raptor Centre in Vermont had the name raptor as a top consideration. Many years before the basketball team showed up. But back to Harv (aka Marv) always the understated modest guy and full of all kinds of herb induced engineering tests. Do you guys remember the trebuchet? A catapult like device that took a little while to perfect but could eventually hurl some pretty significant rocks out into the lake beside his geodesic dome. KOK Keep on knobbing!
Hey Mr. Cyder!
It’s great to hear from fellow that next to Harv himself, was at the centre of all this madness. Being invited to a Harv night was always a special privilege. I remember learning one night that Marv cut his teeth manufacturing small pipes and other items.
Looking forward to a reunion ride in the Don with all the old retro rigs.... and retro Cycle Logic + bike gang crew! Not sure if you noticed but even Eddie the Eagle made an appearance in this forum. I vaguely remember Harve’s trebuchet. But do remember his inverse trebuchet which was the hand operated log splitter. Unfortunately it did not work out very well in practice.
I wonder if my Rig pictures above was one of the ones welded by the Canada Arm welder guy. I seem to remember that the front triangle was (hence the perfect beads). As I ramble on, I recall one other Cameron item in my possession: a hand turned wooden pipe. I will endeavour to find it and post it on this forum!