1985 Saracen Conquest...looks familiar :-)

Mean Spirits

Is it me - I always feel a tad disappointed when I see a BoTM 3rd place finisher (I voted for it - so assumed it was a winner ;-) ) turn up on the 'bay... especially a recent one :roll: Personally, I don't think that's what retrobiking or BoTM is for... Price, well that's another story... :shock:

Mr K
I think its lovely- I offered £150 for it, but got turned down. Wont be raising my offer.
It really is quite entertaining looking a the various replies + opinions of members. As far as I am aware the Saracen has never been BOTM - maybe nominated but certainly not BOTM.
zangolin":12d437ch said:
It really is quite entertaining looking a the various replies + opinions of members. As far as I am aware the Saracen has never been BOTM - maybe nominated but certainly not BOTM.

Yup..I couldn't see it as BOTM......and who gives a rats arse if its on Ebay now.
Re: Mean Spirits

mrkawasaki":2katqef7 said:
Is it me - I always feel a tad disappointed when I see a BoTM turn up on the 'bay... especially a recent one :roll: Personally, I don't think that's what retrobiking or BoTM is for... Price, well that's another story... :shock:

Mr K

If it's blatant cashing-in then it's tasteless. But peoples circumstances change-especially in these troubled times. I also don't recall any grumblings last month when Ameybrook sold the Yeti Yak that was entered in the very same BoTM!
Let's not hang one of our own yet.


It's my personal opinion - not a hanging request - let's not get my comment out of hand.

It makes me sad when people ('have to') sell bikes on after showing here - I'm not apologising for that.

When bikes and parts appear to go up in price we are all going to be impacted by that trend. When someone picks up a bike/part and for whatever reason sells on for a higher price (I'm not necessarily talking profit here - bikes that leave this country for example, are near impossible to bring back after postage expenses both ways) - it is another contribution to escalating values.

In the perfect retro world we'd sell to each other and cover our costs. This ain't a perfect world.

I'll edit my factual error re. BoTM nomination - it doesn't change my view. If Retrobike is developing a sales culture amongst the 'members', I'd be sad about that too.

Mr K