1982 Mountain Goat

Awesome, congratulations Chris, so glad that someone here got it. I was sooo tempted myself but I had a serious talk with myself and decided that I should finish the 4 projects that are on the go at the moment before committing to another, albeit a very nice one :cool: .

I actually think that all things considered you got it for a pretty good price too. Can't wait to see the build start on this one :D

Have been mulling over a few ideas with regards painting.

Don't think i'll be able to afford a full airart paintjob like mr_ships lovely goat :(

Do you fancy doing a nice two tone maybe with some smoke for me Jon?

Chris":q4k7bqp6 said:
Have been mulling over a few ideas with regards painting.

Don't think i'll be able to afford a full airart paintjob like mr_ships lovely goat :(

Do you fancy doing a nice two tone maybe with some smoke for me Jon?


Congratulations - that's a really nice one.

Has somebody seen the colour of the fork on a whole bike before - tried to find a picture? Would be perfect if you keep the fork like it is and paint the rest in the same way.

Really wanted the bike on my own.
I think if I painted the whole bike red yellow and purple I'd feel like I was riding a clown bike :LOL:

Thinking a bit more subtle maybe, either that or an evil dead airbrush paint job ;)

On a side note has anyone got any idea why you would have a single threaded boss underneath the top tube?
Chris":23uhqrws said:
On a side note has anyone got any idea why you would have a single threaded boss underneath the top tube?

Could it be for attaching a shoulder carrying strap?

I'd love to see an evil dead paint job :twisted:
Rod_Saetan":11200oar said:
Yes, portage strap. Please dont do a 90s fade.

Thanks on the portage strap.

Won't be doing a 90's fade, but Russ Pickett did some nice two tones.

Wander how much an airbrush evil dead job would be :roll:
It seems a shame to not get it painted by Russ. He's THE painter for these and one of the only ones still using Imron.

I know that if I was fund-limited, I'd get the Russ paint now and let it sit (beautifully) as frame/fork waiting for money to complete the build. The correct paint will also add to the resale value if that matters whereas knockoff or inappropriate paint would detract.
Thats the thing I've got pretty much an entire build kit for it.

I appreciate where you are coming from on the paint, I'd love to get it done but would probably cost more than the frameset.

And I'm not positive it would of been Russ in 82 anyway apart from maybe the real fancy ones.