1970s Carlton International


I found the original ad online at the Veteran Cycle Club library. It seems to be completely original and even have the pump.
http://veterancycleclublibrary.org.uk/n ... brary).pdf

Sadly, something odd happened on the way home on Tuesday night. The chain came off the back derailleur and although I've threaded the chain back through it looks very slack and the jockey wheels aren't at the angle they should be at. I'm guessing that a tension spring in the derailleur has failed.

The derailleur is a Raleigh-branded one although looking at the jockey wheels, those have SunTour on them. This isn't something that's happened to me before so I've no idea if its easily fixable or not. Can it be easily sorted?

I do have a SunTour AT1000 derailleur I removed from my Raleigh Classic 15 when I stripped it for spraying, and I'm going to replace that with something better. So I guess I could fit that if necessary, but I think the best thing about this Carlton (which I bought as a stopgap while I get the Raleigh fixed up) is that although it's not in amazing condition, it still has all the completely original equipment on it.
Your RD looks like a Raleigh 7 GT, a re-branded SunTour 7 GT. They're nice, and I suspect you should be able to find one for reasonable money. That, or a Vx GT, would look better than the AT1000, IMO.