1970 Claud Butler Tipo Strada rebuiled


Retro Newbie
I have just about finished my 1970 Claud Butler rebuild thought I would share some pictures, I would like to thank Steve at H Lloyd Cycles for all his help,very nice quality decals....Scott


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Re: Claud Butler rebuild

Very nice... what’s the frame number?

here is the number


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Re: Claud Butler rebuild

Ok... so what do you think it is?

It’s not;
Cordon Bleu…
Electron Superfive
Olympic Road…
Olympic Track…
Gran Sport…

So... that leaves a Tipo Strada or a Super Record, basically the same frame, but different kit..is the blue scheme a reproduction of its original paint?

yes I matched the paint and decals.I think it's a Tipo Strada.The bicycle was stripped and trashed when I bought it.All the campo was gone.Here is the original picture before rebuild.The white was yellowed and there was a lot of rust,too much to just touch up the paint


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Re: Claud Butler rebuild

Peachy!":15w77l6r said:
Ok... so what do you think it is?

It’s not;
Cordon Bleu…
Electron Superfive
Olympic Road…
Olympic Track…
Gran Sport…

So... that leaves a Tipo Strada or a Super Record, basically the same frame, but different kit..is the blue scheme a reproduction of its original paint?

Peachy! I have been told that my spindle and crank are not correct for my bike. they are the same units that have been used for 50 years .you are the person with the answers on Claud Butlers and I would like your opinion as you have the answer. Thank you for the help ...Scott


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Re: Claud Butler rebuild

Ermmm… hard to say… cotterless BB axles were around by 1970 but I don’t think the Tipo Strada or in fact any in the 1970 CB range started life with one, but the very top of the range Torino was advertised with a cotterless BB first in 1971 so it’s not a million years out…. That however was (I think) a Campagnolo unit not something from Japan. I don’t think Japanese components started appearing until 1976 (but we have a black hole in CB catalogues missing 73-75) so I’m not exactly sure when the Sakae five pin light alloy crank set turned up, but it was on the 1976 Competitor.
The original owner may have upgraded as soon as they came out as the Tipo was a pretty classy machine very near top of the range so whomever had bought it from new might have wanted to keep up with the latest trends (he might have been a dentist Lol!)
As for exactly what crank set & BB you have, have a hunt around on www.velobase.com
Personally I wouldn’t let it worry me as I think it looks fine…..
PS, get the 1st page title changed to “1970 Claud Butler Tipo Strada”, the thread will attract more attention…
Re: Claud Butler rebuild

thanks for the information Peachy! .the reason I was asking is that the axle with the long side on the crank side didn't lineup for the front derailleur.I flipped it around and it was fine.I could setup the derailleur and it worked fine. I thought that was a little strange....Scott
The axles that have the threaded part on the axle sticking out were usually Sugino Maxy and we're quite long! Is that crankset Shimano?