Its a 1920s / 30s Hurculese delivery bike.
I bought this a while ago with the intention of restoring it, but not even started so it might as well go to some one who has the time to do it.
It rides,it has a very nice Brooks leather saddle, brakes are poor a few of the brake bits (rods) are missing as is the stand, the brake bits I am told are a common part, the stand looks easy to make.
£100 and its yours
I am just off junction 7 of the M62
I bought this a while ago with the intention of restoring it, but not even started so it might as well go to some one who has the time to do it.
It rides,it has a very nice Brooks leather saddle, brakes are poor a few of the brake bits (rods) are missing as is the stand, the brake bits I am told are a common part, the stand looks easy to make.
£100 and its yours
I am just off junction 7 of the M62