I've always loved an alloy GT since the days looking at pics of Julia Furtado on MBUK. Even though I don't mind a 16in I really like the 14.5 and as I'm not a tall rider, this is prefect for me. It's been described as not having chain suck, or stress mars, dents etc, just worn stickers. Looking forward to recieving it in the post!
MAIN PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The plan is to build it into a single speed rigid bike, just for enjoying, it won't be abused, it will be treated like a vintage car! he slight twist will be that the parts will be a mixture of old and new, BUT they will only compliment a 1990's feel.
NEXT STEP: Receive, clean and polish frame. Source graphics.
Needed: Someone to make he graphics please.
MAIN PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The plan is to build it into a single speed rigid bike, just for enjoying, it won't be abused, it will be treated like a vintage car! he slight twist will be that the parts will be a mixture of old and new, BUT they will only compliment a 1990's feel.
NEXT STEP: Receive, clean and polish frame. Source graphics.
Needed: Someone to make he graphics please.