Wanted 1.37x24 bb

fair. Not used to the new world order of bottom brackets other than I detest bb30 however I need the outboard style bottom Bracket for 24 axles. Not entirely sure what The name is.
In order to get the right bb length for your set up, let us know what cranks you have. Assume you want square taper and not isis spline? Or is it the ht2 external bb you need i.e your cranks have a 24mm axle rather than part of the bb?
ok sorry. I understand square taper sizes. I am unfamiliar with the nomenclature for the outboard bearing type.
so it is a 24mm axle attached to the crank. It is an FSA gossomer crank so same as the shimano system. British thread, if that is ht2 then yes. It isn’t isis and it isn’t square taper.

it is that all the adverts just advertise them as 1.37 24mm for some reason So I copied this thinking this is what they are known as. Normally I would state shell width and thread and axle size.
sorry For the confusion.
Is the gossamer gxp? They need a bb which has a different on one side of the axle. Otherwise any ht2 bb will work.