高性能自転車二輪車 Early Tushingham B52 High Performance Two Wheeler

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Hmmm... "Supplied by TOP MARK, Barrow". Makes sense they were a windsurf shop originally!

From : https://www.topmarkonline.com/history/

"Although Topmark was established in 1974 as a windsurfing shop it wasn’t until 1985 when one of our windsurfing suppliers returned from holiday in America where he had seen the latest sport of mountain biking. He asked if he brought in a small container of bikes to the UK, would we buy a few; which we did."

Sounds familiar, I wonder how many MTB shops started out life as sail shops...?
Nice to see this one up and out riding. Good work!

Would you be willing to share the bikes Serial Number either publicly or via PM?
I have a 'thing' about Tushinghams, on one of the threads I've posted up the known Tushingham Serial numbers for the sake of research and posterity :)


Andy, post a link to your thread and I'll add another one to it. We've still got the old gaffers b52 stored at work, along with a Courier and a couple of early Oranges.
I'd love to restore them all. Just time innit.
Interesting Fx_1970,
Not doubting you, are you sure it starts with a T?
I've misread serials before during to an incomplete stamping of the letter/number.

All the Tushinghams that I'm aware of their serial numbers starting with -
For completeness - Muddy Fox Courier (white) frame numbers are in the H87-08 -?? range, this is important as the Tushingham frames are decended from this frame/serial line. What would be useful to know is there any Muddy Fox Couriers with a serial after H87-10? Or when did the factory producing these frames change its serialing from H87 to H7, was there an H1 production run?

Early- H87-10...... (earliest I know of)..... which migrates to..
Early- H7(letter)...... which migrates to H8(letter).....

The H8 serial is carried on to the Red Muddy Fox Courier which is a direct descendant of the final later Tushinghams. (Same frames).

Hi Andy,

You can doubt, for sure, those serial number are difficult to read, I wear glasses, and I've more than 50 years !!! ;)

I took a quick picture yesterday, here it is : 1642410439079.png

We can see like a 'T' on the left. It looks engraved. But I will check it another time.
It's difficult to see, there is a little rust, old grease and even some glue (?)

When I compared with the picture of the was8v 's bike. It looks similar : I saw also a 'T' before the 'H' (but 38453 at the end).
Sorry to be confusing ...
Pays to check your notes, and recheck!

My apologies folks, the information I posted is incorrect.
I have corrected the original post I made in the Tushingham Resource Pool and added a note to the previous posting stating it is incorrect.

I've checked the three Tushingham I have, the early frame (P.G. Tube) Serial does in fact start with a 'TH', and not an 'H'.

The information I posted concerning the later TB Tubed frames is correct, the ones I have seen or have been informed about start with 'H', followed by a number then a letter.

I have two Muddy Fox Couriers (White), these both start TH87 04......and TH87 08....respectively, which shows the serial lineage from the Muddy Fox Couriers to the early Tushingham frames, in my case it's TH87 10...

Apologies for any confusion I have caused.

Pays to check your notes, and recheck!

My apologies folks, the information I posted is incorrect.
I have corrected the original post I made in the Tushingham Resource Pool and added a note to the previous posting stating it is incorrect.

I've checked the three Tushingham I have, the early frame (P.G. Tube) Serial does in fact start with a 'TH', and not an 'H'.

The information I posted concerning the later TB Tubed frames is correct, the ones I have seen or have been informed about start with 'H', followed by a number then a letter.

I have two Muddy Fox Couriers (White), these both start TH87 04......and TH87 08....respectively, which shows the serial lineage from the Muddy Fox Couriers to the early Tushingham frames, in my case it's TH87 10...

Apologies for any confusion I have caused.


Thank you to have checked on your own bikes. So I don't need to make an appointment at the eye doctor ! 😄

We can imagine than 'TH' represents a code for the factory or the frame builder.
Then '87' should correspond to the year of manufacture (taking into account than these bikes were produced far away, many weeks or months before their sales).
Then we can have the month of manufacturing ('04', '08' and '10' in your examples).
Then the production sequence itself (even if with 5 digits it is probably shared between all brands leaving the same factory, during the whole year, or the whole month)

Perhaps it will be possible to estimate later (with more examples) the number of B-52 produced ...
Just to give some news. The cable guide of my B52is still in place unhappily ; I have to remove the bottom bracket to put a lot of WD40 on this side. But after a good clean , I saw the end of the serial number of my bike : 3 or 8 (half covered by the plastic guide) then 826, then a 3 or a 8.
I think it is TH ... 38263. Perhaps TH87 10 38263 (?)
I will try to take a good picture, but it make sense. I have seen in the main Tushingham tread an old bike (belongs to Andy T ?) number TH87 10 38255, and the one on this thread is TH87 10 84563.
I will open a dedicated thread for my bike when I will start to really work on it. I have difficulties to find a "donor" here, and I’ll probably need a little help, because the parts fitted are strange. I never seen the bottom bracket on a MTB, the left crank is not from the same model and brand than the right, etc... :oops:

Best Regards
This one has just appeared, thought the pink stickers looked a little familiar….. 😐
