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  1. S

    Modern Clelands

    Re: the Highpath Big Blue. Did David W.S get his inspiration for the unusual frame layout from the Raleigh Cross?
  2. S

    Wendover Bash aftermath

    Looks like you all had a decent weekend down there 8) Great pics :)
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Looks like a tidy idea Graham. We have a BMX style tagalong which hitches on the seatpost - ickle miss eldest daughter has now outgrown it and I never felt too confident towing (i.e: the handling was atrotious). It unweighted the front of my bike too much, so under braking on slippery...
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    I once shot down a rocky path near Macc Forest (without any suspension) and can still feel biceps slapping against humerus's (humerii? no idea :lol:). My arms felt weird for a good half hour afterwards :twisted:
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Now I can manage that on my mountain bike at a push if the tarmacs greasy, but not for too long as may create from the bar ends, cranks or any other exposed bit o metal :shock: :twisted: You can't beat mud for a softer landing :lol:
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Whaaaa! Both the pics of this bike are missing the engine :) I don't mean that it should have one o course :oops: :lol: The newer 24" trialies & bmxs used in the same competitions just look like bicycles being put through their paces (and yes, i've seen the youtube clips of what they can...
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Splat :twisted: Excellent pic 8) Any more :?: :?: :?:
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    It is cheers! Re: building a similar bike from an old frame - imagine the bb height will be a sticking point. The Cannondale frame used seemed to have been considered useful for trials in its own right, looking at what cropped up when I googled it. Having never had an Ally frame I wouldn't know...
  9. S

    Muddy Fox query

    Not got any info to add but wouldn't throw it away - you could rebuild it from the frame at least if you want a bike out of it :)
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    Bass Players - Massive Off Topic

    I was going to try n be witty by posting a pic of a string vest. Then I googled for images of string vests & found that apart from Rab C Nesbitt photos they're all a bit Graham Norton :oops: :lol:
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    That does look tall - the head tube tricks the eye & makes it look more like the 23" Raleighs some of my mates had! Your Fuguay has a similar riding position to mine (pictured below pre rebuild) bloody uncomfortable off the beaten track, for me anyhow :roll:
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Ah, okay I see, 2.7" drop - not kind to ground clearance then. What was the rough spec of the Clelandale out of interest? Just wondering out loud how you would go about making a fairly conventional frame work as a Cleland would - for example could a longer fork be used to raise the front...
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    LOL not a bad guess eh? I remembered an old book in the school library about motorbikes - the Cota getting a good mention. Regarding front shifting - aren't there a few options now for epicyclic gears in the cranks? Schlumf Mountain drive rings a bell & short term memory fails but am sure...
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Phew -last time I looked this thread was on page2! Fascinating stuff about this pedal powered Montessa-Cota Geoff, keep it rolling 8)
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    Bass Players - Massive Off Topic

    Ditto Duff Jason Newstead Peter Hook Sheryl Crow occasionally plucks a 4 string (phooaaarrr) Glad to hear no-one mentioned Gordon Sumner :shock: :)
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    Jack Taylor 'Rough Stuff' 1979 (1953-1974)

    Hey Charlie - I just had a look at your website & realised why your ID on here is Repack Rider! (suffering from newbie-itus - only found this site a few days ago :oops: :lol: ) My Dad bought me your book in 1988 at the British Motorshow of all places & i'm gutted to say its no longer...
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    Early Saracen Lovers Anonymous......

    Pics sorted & thanx :D
  18. S

    Early Saracen Lovers Anonymous......

    Heres a few Tufftrax pics - I bought this new in '95 & have just done a rebuild - not a back to original resto though, but all credit to those that do ;>) I had a £500 budget and fell for its metallic purple paint in an MBUK full page advert. A good enough enough reason for me anyway, as...
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    Early Saracen Lovers Anonymous......

    Wow - I didn't know anyone cared about old saracens :)