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  1. S

    1997 Amp Research B4 Mercedes Benz

    Re: Wow, I'm so jalous !
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    AMP F3 fork

    I love that bike. New facebook group here :
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    AMP F3 fork

    Making the parts at a low cost ...
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    AMP F3 fork

    Well let us know if you can manage it.
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    AMP F3 fork

    Used this URL a few months ago bur received no answer :(
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    AMP F3 fork

    Great news ! Thanks a lot for your help RoyBoy2cv (why 2cv ?) Teenage can you tell us how contact Brion, please ?
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    AMP F3 fork

    Merci ami breton. J'avais loupé cette annonce.
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    AMP F3 fork

    Found this on the Internet : ... atment.htm
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    AMP F3 fork

    Ok, the press tool is screwd on the axle to push the axle out of its place ?
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    AMP F3 fork

    Wow wow wow. Need more information please. I imagine that the short axle is for the fork and the long for the swingharm ? Am I right ? But I don't know what are the press tools for. I checked on the manuals but ... Sorry for these questions but I've only owned a B4 since may and had a motorbike...
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    1997 Amp Research B4 Mercedes Benz

    Great. Thanks.
  12. S

    AMP F3 fork

    Thanks again Trail_head for your expertise. I already loaded these manuals (the german one is much better scanned than the others) a few months ago. I certainly missed something but I can't find the size of the "Shock Clamp Tool" #10-00760-10 ont top right of your 3rd photo. Just above this...
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    AMP F3 fork

    Trail-head can you provide us the mesures or the tool needed to operate on the shock absorber, please ?
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    NOS '97 Amp MB4

    Wow, too bad. Hope 2014 will be a good year !
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    AMP F3 fork

    This is the 30th of december answer to my mail to AMP-Research asking for disponibility of fork reparation kits : "Go to All parts were sold off when we were recently purchased by Lund International." Still no answer..... If someone could precisly mesure all parts...
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    NOS '97 Amp MB4

    Hello, no pics of your finished bike ?
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    1997 Amp Research B4 Mercedes Benz

    Hello all, AMP Researche sold all its stocks to Lund International. I contacted them to know if they still provide fork and rear stays reparation kits. Still no answer. Can someone give us all the details of these reparation kits, please ?
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    AMP Research B4

    Wahoooo ! How far it is on this forum !! Thanks a lot. I will try your solutions.
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    AMP Research B4

    Hello from France. Newbie to this forum, I am very happy to put my bottom back on a vintage seat, but I actually need some help. (of course :lol: ) I bought an AMP Research B4 (actually its a Mercedes Benz mountain bike) Do you know where I can find brake pads for the AMP brakes ? It's a...