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  1. D

    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Well after a lot of hammering, unscrewing and general bashing (as well as reading up on bike servicing on this site!) the Talera is finally in bits and stripped back to the frame!! As you can see, I made a healthy start on stripping the matt black spray paint off her. Alas, it seems that...
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    Tools and 1991 GT Talera Info

    Bloody hell guys, you lot are brilliant. Thanks for all the advice! Anyone around Stoke/Leek who fancies helping me strip the GT in exchange for a brew and biscuits dont hesitate to shout up!!
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    Tools and 1991 GT Talera Info

    Yo I am doing my first strip down and rebuild of a 1991 GT Talera and obviously am having to get specialist tools to strip it down! They all seem really expensive for what they are (!). How do you guys go about it, do you just buy...
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    Show Us Your Budget Build!

    How do you guys do it? I mean, I thought I had a bargain but it needs some bits to get it running perfect. Are all the parts on your bargain bikes spot on? For example, the rear hub on my GT is not smooth and grinds a bit. Should I just make do or change it?
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    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Well, I have just started to strip the Talera (my first strip down!). Damn, it is addictive!! I have taken everything off I can which does not require specialist tools, had to cut all the cables out as they were all frayed, not to mention covered in matt black paint. Pretty sure I will forget...
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    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Thanks dude! As my budget is super tight I am gonna strip it and replace what really needs replacing (the BB being the main one) and keep it looking pretty 'rat' until I have the money to get it powder coated. Time to get the toothbrush out and start scrubbing! By the way, does fairy liquid...
  7. D

    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Yeah, the paint underneath the horrific matt black looks gnarly. But not sure how to try and strip it, white spirit is not budging but scraping with a knife just about works! Anybody any ideas? Wet and dry perhaps?
  8. D

    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Thanks for the info dude, I would have had no idea that I actually have a better crankset than I though had you not pointed it out! Also, cheers for the advice on the rear mech, I took her out for test ride last night and was concerned as it seems set up all wrong but glad to hear I can fine...
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    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Yeah, I am quite liking the rat element of it!! As long as everything is working and its rides that is good enough!
  10. D

    Show Us Your Budget Build!

    Well, after getting hold of my new £25 steed ( I was hoping a full restoration (new parts etc). However, the constraints of family life (a wife, 11 month old and another on the way in Jan!) have meant that I need to get it done for as...
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    Online Stripdown and Rebuild Guides?

    Nice one dude, just had a quick look...brilliant!
  12. D

    Online Stripdown and Rebuild Guides?

    Alright guys Is there anywhere online that takes you through a full stripdown and rebuild on a MTB? Or a really good guide book? Cheers Dan
  13. D

    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Awesome, thanks dude! The more I think about it, the more I am inclined to go for the military finish idea. Ultra clean but with a matt green frame...
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    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Yeah, the paint job is AWFUL. I think its gonna get stripped, scrubbed, frame and forks painted, put back together and components upgraded as and when. The stem is jammed in at the moment, any tips?
  15. D

    GT Talera (91'ish, I think!) - First Restoration

    Hi dudes! So, I decided to get back in the saddle and grabbed myself a 91 GT Talera off Ebay today. Picked it up this morning, bit rough (particularly the matte black finish!) but just about ride-able and not all bad for £25!! One thing that is a bit wired is all the running gear (it seems to...
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    1995 Merlin

    Really nice. Minimalist, but properly retro too!
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    My name is Dan and I am from Leek! It wrote itself really...
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    The NW&NW Area: Roll Call

    danfromleek - Dan (29) - GT Talrea (1991) - Leek/Peak District/Cheshire/Derbyshire (as soon as the bike is done!)
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    Diamond Back Axis Team Titanium 1993 - Finished pics page 2

    Stunning condition frame! I was obsessed with these bitd...
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    Skip Find! Saracen Sahara

    Amazing find! I have a skip about two minutes walk from my house, there may have to be a little research trip down there next weekend!!