Search results

  1. C

    '92 Titanium Red Frame

    Like I said it was a non-standard frame, sorry for causing offense to you all. I'll spare you the rebuild and pics are removed so as not to raise the blood pressure of the Kona intelligentsia to dangerous levels. Sorry for farting at your dinner party, simply wanted to share the stoke :roll...
  2. C

    '92 Titanium Red Frame

    Was reframed. Couriered, this quick &ready paint job comes after its unstealable black covering. I'll try to get some more shots soon as work allows.
  3. C

    '92 Titanium Red Frame

    Pic 4.
  4. C

    '92 Titanium Red Frame

    Pics of the new wheels. I'll throw up a spec at a later stage. Only have it a week now but so far it's managed to induce a couple of mild heart attacks from over enthusiastically tearing up the hills on a nearby trail then moments later nearly killing me as we career down the other side at...
  5. C

    The MTB Introduce Yourself Here Thread IV

    Aloha & Adios!