Search results

  1. M

    Urban Terror

    ^ Actually laughed at that :lol: . I've played Urban Terror with a couple of friend online, but I was so horrible I quit after about two weeks. Those damn snipers made it so unenjoyable.
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    Weight loss

    3 stones?! How did you manage that? That is an amazing result, but be careful you're eating enough so you don't yoyo to much when you come off of the diet.
  3. M

    Rolling in...

    I wouldn't mind using the patches, those are some of the best looking patches I've ever seen :lol: . Anything to over from the weekend Sithlord?
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    This year's first sunshine Vol.2.

    You what would be great? If you gave us the source of the Spongebob Bell, I think it's horrible to withhold that info in the first place. Don't you see how I'm suffering here?! :cry:
  5. M

    How did you find retrobike

    I think I typed in something like old bicycles because I wanted to see what a normal bike looked like 20 or 30 years ago.
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    building PCs from scrap parts

    How did you build a laptop from scratch if I may ask, wasn't that quite difficult? Also, Windows 7 is quite a good OS if you ask me. I've tried Ubuntu 10 and ofc Windows XP. I don't really have a favorite, although I don't really use Ubuntu because I like playing games :D . Best OS of all time...
  7. M

    Aaaaaaaah, back at work...

    I'm so glad the shortest day of the year is over. Getting up in the cold and dark was really hard. 7:00 AM alarm, press snooze until 8:00 Am or 8:10 :D. I'm realizing how easy school was and how much I underappreciated weekends. No time to cycle, or play sports outside of Saturday and Sunday...
  8. M

    Wooden bike

    I actually really like to color and shape of the frame. Does anyone know how going for a ride works in the rain? Any permanent damage result from that, or is it coated with some special anti water stuff?
  9. M this legal?

    I've never heard that figure of speach, but it's hilarious. I'm honestly sitting here at work and I can't stop laughing. I had to go to the bathroom in order to not make a fool of myself. That's all I have to say, except maybe how I love the 1,300 dollar pricetag on the bike.
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    a bit tired of winter..

    I took a ride for half an hour last week. I slipped and fell twice before giving up. No my dynamo isn't working at all and I can't find a reason. I guess it's time for spinning classes to replace cycling, atleast for a while, right? :D
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    Touch screen mobiles

    HTC Desire, hands down. I owned a windows phone and was shocked at how slow and messy it felt. A friend of mine got the HTC Desire before and I fell in love with it. It looks classy, is quite intuitive and has a bunch of neat functions.