That Dawes is an amazing save. IIRC didn't these have those old bomb proof concave rims, Weinmann I think?
Be interested to see what the other one is too. Top stuff :)
Bought for a tenner, had to weld back end replaced a few bits (wheels, tyres, pedals, chain, rebuild brakes and bb, alloy bars and post) then ss converted. Bit heavy but very comfy and rolls along well.
It’s called Gort.
Such a cool looking bike and great choice to go the polished route.
There was a Cannondale of this generation on ebay recently, low starting price and no bids. Crazy how much bike these are for the money. I remember really wanting one back in the day in the black and red combo.
Love it, well...
Finally got this completed a few days ago, so pleased it's done (although there's always a few minor things to add). Hadn't ridden one since 1987 so took it down to a place I used to ride my original one.
Lot of nostalgia about super thin tyres, woeful brakes and using toe clips/straps again...
Was thinking this. As a serial mug for cheap, low end stuff that no-one wants how about a cheapies only contest.
Something like bikes that were sold for less than a certain figure when new. Possibly allow for some mods but overall bike (frame & forks at the least) must be original.
It's a Maillard, from a Raleigh Pulsar circa 1985. I've never seen a freewheel removal setup like it before. Really thin inner wall with just two prongs, opposite each other.
Does anyone know what this one is called or what tool I need specifically?
Needs to be an alloy one with the top micro-adjust clamp still on please. I have a steel one with guts but want to up-rate saddle and need a micro-adjust/centre clamp for this. Happy to wait a week as I have a few other jobs to do on the bike in the meantime.
I bought a 1985 Peugeot Paris Express (peak cheapie 80s mtb frame/fork geometry) for a tenner.
I'm single speed converting it. It will make a brilliant offroad/retro single/klunker.