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  1. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: 279 miles, 5 hours for me. That’s a fair old slog for a couple of nights. Not sure I can stretch to that but we’ll see. Good that people are looking at alternatives.
  2. Stodgy

    ** Mountain Mayhem 2022 - ITS ON ! (in a fashion)

    Re: I’m in. My builds are behind schedule anyway. Not long now...
  3. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: Terrible news. I can understand why they have to, but it’s just bloody hysteria. How many people have died of the flu since October, etc, etc, blah di blah?
  4. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: Lasers and smoke.
  5. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: This might be of interest. New location this year - Marston Lodge! 3 route options and one of them.looks like it could be the Mayhem course. I'm tempted by the 60km off road. ... -cycling-2
  6. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: Are you smiling on the inside?
  7. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: When you’re ready...
  8. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: Now would be good...
  9. Stodgy

    Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse

    Re: Another page. Please!
  10. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: Thanks for the photos.
  11. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: Thanks for for organising Tim. Great ride and not too filthy considering the weather. I feel suitably shattered and it will teach me for spending too long off the bike.
  12. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: You’ll suffer on all those bumps ;-)
  13. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: Yep, see you there. Could be a bit chilly!
  14. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: Depends on the 29er I suppose, but there are quite a few stutter bumps there and big wheels roll over them really well. Usually run 29+ on front and it’s great there. 26” will of course be fun in a different way. So, which bike; heavy Saracen cruiser, or nimble XC Marin? Hmmmmmm...
  15. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: I think it’s £2 for 4 hours or £4 all day.
  16. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: Can anyone confirm if the carpark ticket machines take cards? I always forget and the website usefully doesn’t say. Thanks. Looking forward to tomorrow.
  17. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: That’s good, I’ll stick it to my bars! I’ve got previous Strava maps but trying to follow them is impossible as it just wiggles around everywhere. When I get somewhere I know where I am, but normally have no clue how I’ve arrived there. I know a few off-piste bits, but again, difficult to find.
  18. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: Sounds good to me. I’m sure I can get through a lap although I always get lost there.
  19. Stodgy

    Swinley Forest MTB ride 1/12/19

    Re: How long are we planning to be out for? I realise that I can head back at any time but what would be a rough ride time? I might get there a. It earlier and ride a bit as I might have to be back about 1:30.