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  1. Thumper

    A Retro look at the 2010 Mountain Mayhem shenanigans :)

    C'mon everyone, Have a nostalgic look at the 2010 Mountain Mayhem goings on. It's been a long time coming, for which I'm sorry, but Sammy and I have been a little busy- (some of you may remember that we foolishly planned to cycle as far as we can- now 11 months in!)...
  2. Thumper

    NW&NWA Mountain Mayhem Preparation Thread

    Oh noooo, I feel rather inadequate on the preparation front. 'specially when people are throwing around talk of 8 man erections! The good news is I have been cracking out some rides here and there- even attacked the Killer Mile over near Mow Cop last night. Something tells me that at Mountain...
  3. Thumper

    NWA: THREE TRIBES ~ Edale & Ladybower area - 01/05/10

    Sorry guys, Canna make this one- would've been good training for the CLIC too!
  4. Thumper

    National Retrobike Event: Trough of Bowland, 27/02/2010

    Copping out Hey all. It's killing me to say this but Sammy and I won't be able to make it tomorrow. Boo to that miniature train! (Yes, it really is a miniature train that's caused our non attendance!). It's a real shame not to be there. Have a rocking ride and we'll hope to come to the...
  5. Thumper

    National Retrobike Event: Trough of Bowland, 27/02/2010

    The trails look fun. I'm swaying more to the "in" instead of the "pass". Sorry sis'. :D
  6. Thumper

    Nadolig Treigio 2009, North Wales - 'AFTERMATH'

    ... and it ain't the first time *Nods triumphantly* :D Great ride, nice pics all round peeps. I love the colour on the custom reindeer bars piccy. Bravo :D Sarah p.s. Considering how long it took me to find this thread, it just goes to prove the "FACT!" about ladies taking longer.
  7. Thumper

    NWA: Macclesfield Forest 31/01/10 - 'AFTERMATH'

    Thanks for the pic compliments guys. Remind me to get at the front of people next time though. :lol: The 27th Feb ride looks pretty sweet. Hopefully I'll see you all there with Sammy boy in tow too.
  8. Thumper

    National Retrobike Event: Trough of Bowland, 27/02/2010

    Ooooooh. I'll have to see closer to the time. I may just force my sister to put her birthday on hold... :D
  9. Thumper

    NWA: Macclesfield Forest 31/01/10 - 'AFTERMATH'

    Pics and thanks Hey all, 'twas a grand ride. It has been great to meet more people. Paul, you did well as ride honcho. I believe we now need more rides with history lessons on the way round :D Links to piccies are below, sorry there aren't any more...
  10. Thumper

    The NW&NW Area Team - Mountain Mayhem 2010 Recruitment

    No longer that one post wonder - huzzah! I'd be up for some form of team. I'd have to see how much of an XC bike I can muster prior to the event though 'cause I ain't doing it on my Orange that's for sure! There's also the possibility of my own death on clic24 too... That could hinder my...
  11. Thumper

    NW&NWA BoTR Competition 2009 POLL NOW UP!

    Looks and looks alone won it for me: Parkpre Pro825 all the way for number one spot. Boulder Bicycles Defiant would have to be very close second. DeKerf would be third. Haha I just realised that it just goes to show I'm a sucker for all things white :D
  12. Thumper

    NWA: Macclesfield Forest - 31/01/10

    Ahem... I think someone needs to go start forking some fire roads now to give us that "Well drained" effect when it's ride time :)
  13. Thumper

    NWA: Macclesfield Forest - 31/01/10

    Reccy part deux... Yay! I have managed to get my photos online for once! I have a little bit of a tour of the forest for y'all from the reccy part deux the other day. (This is my first time posting pictures- if it fails I apologise) As you can see, there's plenty of bike...
  14. Thumper

    NWA: Macclesfield Forest - 31/01/10

    I'll be up for the ride for sure. Paul, mine's ketchup with some screenwash to swill it down. p.s. Stally- that's FAR too many innuendos for one post. Bad form old chap :D