Search results

  1. B

    Fred Salmon, so where did he go? Also rate his components

    Well, check it out and call me on it if I'm wrong. I'd like to be wrong...
  2. B

    Fred Salmon, so where did he go? Also rate his components

    It would appear that Mr Salmon is marketing normal mineral oil as just about anything. Stove and Grate polish and clipper oil on the popular auction site, mineral oil for chopping boards, etsyNZ. I hate to...
  3. B

    Wanted Wanted - Mavic X517 SUP rear.

    Pretty much any hub considered and doesn't have to be immaculate, only straight and true. I would need it posted... Cheers!
  4. B

    For Sale Mavic X517 on LX hubs

    Are these still available?