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  • Users: Peach
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  1. P

    '92 Kona Kilauea. Other '92 Kona bikes considered

    True 'dat. Just need to find one mind you!
  2. P

    '92 Kona Kilauea. Other '92 Kona bikes considered

    Thanks - but sorry - definitely keen on a '92 for now. I realise this is completely irrational...! ;)
  3. P

    '92 Kona Kilauea. Other '92 Kona bikes considered

    Howdy, As per my bike thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=281490&start=10 My trusty '92 Kilauea bought the farm last week. I'm looking to replace it - preferably with another one - simply by swapping the frame. I'm 6ft 2 so think a 19 or 20 would be for me - although may be able to get away with 21"...
  4. P

    Can anyone recommend a good frame builder/repairer

    I'm coming round to the fact that it will be significantly cheaper to get a replacement frame and transplant the bits as you say. This opens a world of upgrade options naturally.... I'm therefore on the lookout for 1992 Kona frames and bikes - feel free to link me up good people! :)
  5. P

    Can anyone recommend a good frame builder/repairer

    Re: Re: DIFFICULT..I'm really attached to it but there comes a price where it gets silly to continue, especially if I can get a better bike for much less money. Thanks for all names do far; I'll see what I can get...
  6. P

    Can anyone recommend a good frame builder/repairer

    Oof. Thanks for that. I didn't have any frame of reference (no pun intended!) for repair work. I'd definitely consider a replacement frame, but can't seem to find anything around at the mo, There is a 1992 explosif knocking about (I'd consider an upgrade). But from the sentimentality point...
  7. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    No encounter with a ford car - but rather a river crossing a road [the joys of the English language]. Thanks for the words of encouragement though! Yeah - definitely an option I'm willing to explore; just finding one!
  8. P

    Can anyone recommend a good frame builder/repairer

    Sadly my classic '92 kilauea cracked whilst out on Sunday. To my untrained eye it looks like there has been some internal rusting that has contributed to it. The bike has huge sentimental value to me so I'm keen to see if it's financially viable to repair it. But don't really know where to...
  9. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    Update. Sigh, all good things come to an end it seems. Long story short, I was out on the Kona yesterday and about 9 miles into the ride about 1/3 of the way up a local hill when something suddenly felt very funny at the front of the bike. I considered waiting till the top before checking but...
  10. P

    Kona mtb race kut

    Howdy, I'm looking for some Kona mtb race kit. Specifically I'm looking for 1992 items. Please let me know if you find / have anything from around this time. Cheers!
  11. P

    1992 kona Kilauea original rear skewer

    As per the title, I'm looking for an original QR skewer for the rear of my 1992 Kona Kilauea. Can anyone help please?
  12. P

    Kona, Deore XT, DX, Onza, Ritchey - lower prices!

    Re: Kona, Deore XT, DX, Onza, Ritchey You have PM
  13. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    Re: Oh I agree - I won't be giving up the FS any time soon; it's just a different kind of fun on the older girl. I was just pleasantly surprised at how differently it rode!
  14. P

    Ringle, Kona Lava Dome 91 PACE RC35 USE titanium post & more

    Could be interested in the XT skewers and wheels pending pics. Don't suppose you have any period tyres?
  15. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    Crikey I've neglected this thread over the winter. However, all is certainly not lost on the bike. I spent the time cleaning it up and fettling to a point where it was good to get back on the road again. Here's how it started before I cleaned it I found the original Maximum front tyre...
  16. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    Yep that's right, it came in above the Cincer Cone. I also have the clips and Maximum tyres :)
  17. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    Thanks for the tips guys! This weekend I'm going to head out to buy some degreaser and some boxes to store the stuff I take off. Then I'll set about a proper clean and figure out where I stand with the frame. Re my dad's femur, technically one leg is slightly shorter than the other now(!) and...
  18. P

    My 1992 Kona Kilauea

    Right then - I've been meaning to do this for a while. First, some history: Back in 1992 (as a 14 yr old lad) I was fortunate to get a brand new Kona Kilauea. I had a few happy years riding it until ultimately at I properly succumbed to the lure of fast cars, beers, clubbing and faster women ad...