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  1. M

    Mountain Mayhem Aftermath Thread

    Any123 you are a star! I think blind panic is my excuse lack of recognition, sheer fury at one stupid stick binning years of effort! (sad but true). It turned out ok in the end . Now Di2 off-road sounds interesting, but I had a look in...
  2. M

    Mountain Mayhem Aftermath Thread

    Much to my discredit and embarassment I have no idea what his name was and never even looked at his bike(!!). When he was chatting to his mate I think that a Klein was mentioned. My mind was spinning it was like I was hearing disembodied voices in an hallucination (I will have to give up 24h...
  3. M

    Mountain Mayhem Aftermath Thread

    Hello Retrobikers! Newbie here, just coming on to say a HUGE THANKYOU to one of your members that was my Good Samaritan in the middle of the night at Mayhem. A stick had put my mech into my wheel, snapped a hanger, snapped a spoke, pushed the spoke through the side wall of my tyre and turned...