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  1. J

    18/19 inch Saracen kili racer / Alpinestars E-stay,

    Kili Racer It's currently up on eBay if you're interested ... ... 1555.l2649 Best Jim
  2. J

    1992 Saracen Kili Racer, almost original £160

    The Kili Racer is now listed on ebay if you're interested ... ... 1555.l2649
  3. J

    1992 Saracen Kili Racer, almost original £160

    20" and RED (did it come in any other colour?). As usual have left it too late to take good pictures in daylight but here are a couple using flash - those are mud splashes on the frame not scratches - maybe I should have cleaned the mud off too :) ...
  4. J

    1992 Saracen Kili Racer, almost original £160

    A little dark in the shed now so will post some pictures tomorrow morning - promise. Thanks for reminding me.
  5. J

    1992 Saracen Kili Racer, almost original £160

    Nice Saracen Kili Racer with a few minor upgrades added in the mid-90's, otherwise original. Fork is Saracen but not the correct Kili fork. vbrakes rather than canti's (although I think I have the canti's and the old stem). Mechs are xt / lx w. integrated dx indexed shifters. lx cranks and bb...
  6. J

    18/19 inch Saracen kili racer / Alpinestars E-stay,

    Saracen Kili Racer 1992 If you didn't find what you're looking for I've got a very nice condition Saracen Kili Racer but not 100% original. I upgraded the forks to airshocks and can't find the originals, although have put other saracen rigid forks back on now, and minor upgrades in the...