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  1. S

    Klein Mantra's

    Both were bought via ebay, the yellow one was £700 a few years ago and the purple one was £250 a few years ago.
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    Klein Mantra's

    I have two Klein Mantra's The yellow one is a 98 I believe and until recently was my main bike. The purple one was bought for cheap on the bay as an occasional use bike for my dad. Neither are very standard unfortunately, so I doubt many of you will like them. They can still hold their own on...
  3. S

    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    I was at Cannock today - it was heaving! I did two loops of FTD before heading home and didn't managed a clear run on either. It was very muddy aswell, rideble but very squelchy in parts, if it rains much tomorrow I don't think i'll bother with the ride on Sunday i'm afraid.
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    See you in the morning then chaps, i'm quite looking foward to this, although i'm feeling pretty unfit. A few mates went to CC today, it is apparently quite muddy.
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    I'll be on my new bike i'm afraid chaps due to new parts purchased and the forks on the Klein have pissed their oil all over the garage floor post ride, a service is desperately needed methinks. I'll bring some Turkey for a treat if you like :P
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    Phew! glad you said that. I managed to drag myself out the other night, the first time in a few weeks, god I was hanging out.
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    Could you add me please, i'll come for the day and be there for the early start. Let me know what grub to bring, and if anyone needs a lift from Leicester I have space in the car.
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    Sounds like a good plan. Of course, it all depends how much of the festivities I partake in nearer the date.
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    Righto, what's happening regarding the BBQ grub then? Bring what your going to eat or everyone bring a bit and we'll all tuck in? Is someone bringing a BBQ or do we all need to bring our own or a disposable jobby? What time do I need to be there? Ooh look at me, and it's still over a...
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    Cannock Chase Ride - 30th Dec - BBQ Turkey Event!

    Count me in, though not for boxing day, it's the OH's birthday and I'm not even daft enough to ask. I managed to get to Cannock for the first time 2 weeks ago, parts of FTD are shut currently, I don't know when they're due to re-open but I had a great time nonetheless, some lovely flowing...
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    Singletrack - Issue 37

    Kev, id you get the second email I sent you, with the entire feature? It was a little over 3mb, i hope it didn't block anything up at your end.
  12. S

    Identify these wheels?

    The bike is identical to mine in shape, just that mine is all yellow with black lettering.
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    I've recently bought a Cateye EL530 for the front and an LD1100 for the rear. Very bright, easy to mount and operate. £50 the pair. ... egoryId=33
  14. S

    So what do Retro Bikers drive??

    I have a 306 HDi Estate for the daily hack, great for transporting kids and bikes alike. I've also got a 205 Mi16 track car in the garage for a bit of fun, it looks like a pile of shite but once the current batch of modifcations are complete it'll go like hot snot.
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    Identify these wheels?

    I actually found it on this website, in the off topic forum. Some sort of NSFW thread with loads of scantily clad birds.
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    Identify these wheels?

    Hmm, cheers guys. I absolutley love mag wheels (they are mag wheels right?) what other companies make/made them? Spin?
  17. S

    Identify these wheels?

    Anyone know what wheels are on this Klein? Are they easy to come by? pricey? strong enough for XC use?
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    Singletrack - Issue 37

    If your a premium subscriber you can download it. If not, I might be able to email you a PDF with the review. Let me know.