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  1. M

    The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" forum

    Re: Folks here are welcome to it all - eBay was just a yardstick. :D
  2. M

    The GT STS Thread Members Bikes and Tech Info

    Ha ha..! Well spotted. I fitted it reversed because the other side is scratched like hip-hop vinyl, and was hoping nobody would notice..! :wink:
  3. M

    The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" forum

    I've got a full XTR 27-speed groupset (inc cranks and chain rings, not inc cassette) from a 1997 GT STS-1. Aesthetically, condition is fair. Everything works absolutely fine. Any idea how much it'd be worth on eBay?
  4. M

    The GT STS Thread Members Bikes and Tech Info

    Re: Hi folks. Just got this finally mounted on the wall. Still got some cleaning up and detailing to do but I'm pretty happy with the result.