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  1. U

    Shimano 5 arm crank question

    Xesh, That would be very kind.....
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    Uphills bone headed questions #2

    After the Shimano 5 arm crank question here comes the next in what may well turn out to be "bone headed" questions: For the perusal of your honours an XT front mech. It works fine, in fact the change is better than my 2010 bike! It does look a bit grotty though. Caveat being it looks...
  3. U

    Shimano 5 arm crank question

    Cheers guys. So the opinion seems to be there is life in those chain rings. In that case I think a good clean and refitting is in order. Just been combing through the classifieds and I cant see a Shimano crank of late '90s for sale. Am I correct in thinking the XT ones had 4 arms rather than...
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    Shimano 5 arm crank question

    You are a good man Fluffy. Here are the pics, i had to feed the offspring!! Flash makes it look rougher than it really is! Here lies the problem though: Some of the teeth are missing altogether! So, from what you have said I ought to be looking for a "new" set of cranks...
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    Shimano 5 arm crank question

    Granny is indeed bolted to the middle ring. Bikepedia suggests that that would be the correct cranks fitted. Is the middle ring you know of silver? Im guessing that it might be cheaper and less hassle in the long rung to buy a new crankset? Would that be the case? ##Edit. When I say...
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    Shimano 5 arm crank question

    Cranks stamped as MC36 Pics to follow if needed. Inner looks fine and outer looks like it might have a fair bit of life to if. its the middle that really is unuseable
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    Shimano 5 arm crank question

    As part of the on going rebuild of my first retrobike. I have been looking at the cranks. The chainrings are completely trashed. Cant seem to find replacements in any of the online shops. All I can find is 4 arm ones. Is it now defunct? Obsolete? Do i need to look to a new one? I can post...
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    Charlie REDUCED ,OFFERS!!OFFERS!! consolidated!

    You got PM about the Modern Deore brakes
  9. U

    Wanted--- Wheelset for first build

    In case anyone has a suggestion of what I ought to be looking for it is for this: I am not looking to do a full "as per brochure" rebuild just something "in keeping" if you see what I mean.
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    Wanted--- Wheelset for first build

    First ever retrobike requires wheels. Not overly fussy but would like something like a basic Mavic to Deore hubs. Would like 8/9 speed. Colour not important as long as they match and run true/smoothly etc Anyone have anything? Cheers
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    So, that Fat Chancer Frame??

    DrS has put up his hard earned for the frame and is therefore entitled to do with it as he sees fit. I would suggest trying to forget about the marketing and naming of this frame and look for any merits it may have in its own right. Not as a parody of something else. It could make...
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    Help me make something of my old Klein

    Spent an hour or so in the garage. Fitted the bottom bracket. Looked at the sorry looking seat post and thought it could do with a good clean up. Indeed some T cut and a polishing tool in the drill made it look like new again. I have to say it feels heavy though. Now the question that is...
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    Help me make something of my old Klein

    Now where does a chap get some decals from?
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    Help me make something of my old Klein

    It has returned from the powdercoaters:
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    Who got out and about today?

    Spend 3.5 hours riding and carrying the bike in 18 inches to 2 feet of snow at times. Didn't enjoy much of it at all.
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    Help me make something of my old Klein

    Suggestions for something suitable? I am open to rigid forks or suspension. What do we think? Frame ETA is Tuesday/ Wednesday. Will post pics as soon as it is in my possession.
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    Help me make something of my old Klein

    I got bored and as its raining I went out to the garage and started to undo bolts. This is where i go too: So that is the fork we have to decide to keep or not. If the decision is to keep it i dont think it will be able to go to the powder coaters. There is what looks to be a disc of...
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    Help me make something of my old Klein

    The frame is now at the powder coaters. Hopefully it will be back mid week or at least by the weekend. Now we need to look at the forks. The ones currently fitted are set of RST Mozo pro. I am not sure if these are in keeping with where i want to go with this and the colour is very wrong...
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    Suggestions for a first time project

    Thanks for all the advise guys. In a fit of madness last night I got it in to my head that as the paint/dents have been like this for at least 8 years I was willing to take the risk on a new paint job. That and even if it is not a desirable bike it has earned some TLC in my eyes. Stripped...
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    Gary Fisher Marlin

    [/img] [/img] Is there anyone who can tell me more than I can guess. its a late/mid 90s steel frame and fork with some crap components on it?